New Story Available on Kindle: “Slackers from the Stars”

One of my few forays into science fiction, this story is exclusively available at Amazon!

One night, astronomer Nigel Pynchon is out on a date when he hears a startling announcement: an alien spaceship has landed on a nearby farm, and everyone is told to head home and stay inside. He and his date attempt to leave the restaurant, and the scene is utter chaos. In fact, they barely make it home alive.

Eventually Nigel gets to a TV and watches news reports of the landing but, instead of having his curiosity satisfied as to what the aliens look like, he finds himself stumped by one simple question…


For an unusual and intriguing take on the alien invasion motif, head over to Amazon and buy this story now for only $0.99!

“Slackers from the Stars”

Writing News: Another Short Story (“Murder on a Bus”) and My Own Amazon Author Page

Anyone involved in zombie stories got quite a shock yesterday when the news came through that George Romero had died. I didn’t even know he had cancer. Then, all of a sudden, he’s gone. We will have a tribute to him here soon, but for now I want to celebrate two more of our accomplishments.

First up is yet another short story, published on Writer to Writers. It’s called “Murder on a Bus,” and it is filed under “horror/mystery.” Check it out:

“Murder on a Bus” (short story)

And just as big of an announcement, if not more so, is that I have launched my own Author Page on Amazon. At the moment it features only one poetry collection and a book about martial arts, but soon that will change. Not only will it feature more poetry, but it will also have several short stories.

Steve Grogan’s Amazon Author Page